Englishman in New York

by Sting

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:34 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Nothing like the sun

Song Author


Tabbed by

Boudinou / Drums by lawofthewest


1st → Sax
2nd → Vocals
3rd → Strings
4th → Guitar
5th → Piano
6th → Drums
7th → Bass

File Size

62 KB




I don't drink cof-fee I take tea my dear I like my toast done on the side And you can hear it in my ac-cent when I talk I'm an Eng-lish-man in New Yo-rk See me wal-king down Fifth A-ven-ue A wal-king cane here at my side I take it ev-ery-where I walk I'm an Eng-lish-man in New York O-oh I'm an a-li-en, I'm a le-gal a-li-en I'm an Eng-lish-man in New York O-oh I'm an a-li-en, I'm a le-gal a-li-en I'm an Eng-lish-man in New York If "man-ners ma-keth man" as some-one said Then he's the he-ro of the day It takes a man to suf-fer ig-no-rance and smile Be your-self no mat-ter what they say O-oh I'm an a-li-en, I'm a le-gal a-li-en I'm an Eng-lish-man in New York O-oh I'm an a-li-en, I'm a le-gal a-li-en I'm an Eng-lish-man in New York Mo-des-ty, pro-pri-ety can lead to no-to-ri-ety You could end up as the on-ly one Gen-tle-ness, so-brie-ty are rare in this so-cie-ty At night a can-dle's brigh-ter than the sun Takes more than com-bat gear to make a man Takes more than a li-cense for a gun Con-front your en-e-mies, a-void them when you can A gen-tle-man will walk but ne-ver run If "man-ners ma-keth man" as some-one said Then he's the he-ro of the day It takes a man to suf-fer ig-no-rance and smile Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say Be your-self no mat-ter what they say


Merely corrected all the 'bum' notes in the vocal and sax solo parts, that spoiled the excellent tab by Boudinou. Cheers, Anarchy.